Sunday, November 21, 2010


There's this little joke that everyone always makes life decisions in the shower. I used to agree to it, but now I realize that it's not true. I absolutely love to showers, and I wish I could live in my bathtub, warm water sprayed all over me.

I think about the most important things, I reminisce, I make wishes. I remember such good times or opportunities.

When I'm in the shower, it's like it is complete Me-Time. No chores to do, no homework to be done, just me and my thoughts. And my shampoo bottle.

I stood in the shower for almost five minutes, simple feeling the hot water splash on my face, my arms getting rid of their 'goose pimples,' and my body finally relieved of all of that tension that it used to have.

I used to hate showering. And sleeping. I think all kids did. Why? Because they thought they would be missing out on exciting events... like what? Another TV show? Another hug with your dad? That's okay.

Everyone needs time for themself, and I have fnally found the perfect one.

PS- I already took one, but now I feel like showering agan...

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